Thursday, May 19, 2011


Tamkeen is the Arabic word for empowerment. Empowerment of the Bahraini citizens.

“Tamkeen underpins the Economic Vision 2030 as a promise to empower individuals, businesses and the nation at large.” My blog will have more than one piece on the Tamkeen schemes. The more the merrier?

Bahraini's as employees of choice

If you live in bahrain you would know that every business owner complains about one thing... I don't want to hire a Bahraini cuz I get more out of the expat. Basically, it's true and honestly I don't blame them. However, what is the problem here? Generalization! The thought that, "oh let the government deal with the unemployment problem, it's not my problem" is a selfish act. The government is overburdened and cannot employ all Bahraini's in the public sector. Ya short working hours and not much commitment to work, yohoooo it's a wonderful world! STOP!

The wellbeing of this country and it's citizens is a national cause. If we do not look at our fellow brothers and sisters then we cease to be human. So! The government thought, ok since not a lot of people are doing this, let's hold their hands and walk them up that ladder and whenever their is an obstacle, we shall carry thee on our shoulders.

Tamkeens programs for individuals range from employment schemes, to training programs to enhancing work ethics. While I am not an expert in Tamkeen's programmes, I have personally seen some of their programs in action, and even with that, some basic internet research has revealed to me some things I didn't even know existed. My list here is not the full set of programs just a brief glimpse of some examples.

Unemployed University Graduates:
The hardest part of graduating from university is finding a job. If you were some of the unlucky ones that graduated after the global financial crisis, you might find that your dreams of finding a job are a bit bleak. Gloomy times for everyone all over the world. Why? Because no one is employing, everyone is firing or downsizing, the general excuses are we have no budget, management stopped all applications etc. etc. Besides... when they do hire, they don't want to hire fresh graduates and carry the expense of training, they'd rather hire anyone with experience or not at all.

So in 2008, the government gave Tamkeen instructions to find jobs for 1912 unemployed university graduates that were registered with the government. What did Tamkeen do? By 2009, it had managed to place 1100 of those into public and private sector jobs. Tamkeen places these university graduates into internship programs with government and private sector organizations and is responsible for all expenses related to that trainee. Yes, Tamkeen pays their salary as well for the full period of their training which could range between 6 months to 2 years! What's the salary? BD300 or $800 not bad eh?

Plus, graduates are not just dumped into any job. Tamkeen provides the candidate with options and Tamkeen plays the mediator role to get the agreement of both parties.
Plus, Tamkeen provides support to graduates to get a loan to buy a laptop.
Plus, Tamkeen supports the trainee to get a credit card with a limit of upto 2 months salary.
Plus, they get registered in GOSI so they don't miss out on any social insurance during the period of their training.
Plus, a full training program.
Plus, Tamkeen encourages the employer to pay the trainee any extras like bonuses or extra salary to encourage the trainee to continue with the program.

Aaaaaahhhhhh! Who gives out free employees to organizations and who takes on salaries for 2 years? To provide it's people with the empowerment.... Bahrain does!

Change from within first:
A9eel is a mass publicity campaign, designed to change behavioural patterns and
instill positive work ethics. It uses cartoons, tv commercials/series and extensive road side advertising to tackle some of the work issues we have in our culture. Communicating the message in a pleasant and entertaining way. At the same time, it creates a medium for valuable resources for self-improvement. "A national media platform for all those who want to see themselves and ultimately, Bahrain, reach higher goals."

Bridging the Skills Gap:
 So ok, Tamkeen helps unemployed. So what? Well, no Tamkeen offers a huge set of training programs that help to enhance the skills of it's Bahraini citizens and provide them with the sound foundations for their development. Yes, yaaa more free programs to help certify anyone seeking to get a better education and life. Programs are:
AND you know what, these are not crappy programs. The nursing program is done in coordination with RCSI, that is a top notch medical university in Bahrain. The Aeronautic Maintenance Engineering Programme offers theoretical and practical training that will prepare you to become a licensed European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) PART 66 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer. The Hospitality Programme covers curriculum from the Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Lodging Association (EI-AHLA) and Northwood University, U.S.A...... Other well-known certifications... CISCO, ACCA, PRM, CAT.

Other programs in brief:

Enough examples? You get the picture? Yes, we offer our citizens everything they need to empower them. Yes, this was a government initiative. Yes, this was HRH King Hamad Bin Isa AlKhalifa, and the prime minister HH Shaikh Khalifa Bin Salman AlKhalifa and ofcourse with great pride and respect our creative Crown Prince HH Shaikh Salman bin Hamad AlKhalifa. Yes, this is our Bahrain that you know nothing about. This is our amazing country and leadership.

1 comment:

  1. Great work with the article! Very informative. We all appreciate the efforts our government has put in to help us live a decent lifestyle. I think Bahrain is truly the ideal place to live in and i'm sure anyone that will read this blog will agree with that.
